Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday already

Here it is, another Monday. I think sometime I will just plan myself a Monday off, especially after a very busy weekend.  In looking ahead they all will be busy with holiday events, open houses, cookie exchanges, plays, families getting together, friends getting together, shopping, etc, etc. etc.   But in all this, there is choice.  How busy do I want to be and how important is the activity.  First on my list is the importance of taking sometime for my self, to rest, read, reflect and doing some of those things I just like to do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

early morning

Sitting here in my kitchen with only one light on at the moment, finishing my mocha; it is still dark outside and inside in other parts of the house.  While I am up early for travel with work, the dark blankets what the morning will bring.  I know it dipped below freezing last night so the last  flowers holding out will be defeated.  The blades of grass will hold their position even though covered with frost.  There are days I think I am like that blade of grass....get all covered up with stuff in life but still hold my ground.  And days I get defeated and crushed, like that last flower still blooming. but I have strong roots and will come back.  We should not forget that we are just a part of nature.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


As I sit here looking out my kitchen window the forms and shapes of trees make  patterns in  the lighting of the  sky.  The light pale blue doesn't allow for much detail, but enough to know it is going to be a nice day.   I become so used to things, those that happen every day, that I forget to appreciate the beauty in just that moment. or the effort for that moment to occur.    Sometimes my world becomes me in a used jar with the lid on.    All this stuff is around me, I become absorbed in it  and I don't allow myself to push that lid off.   But that jar has become my place of security.  I know what is in all that space.  But I also need to know what is outside  my jar.  ....need to experience more.   Who knows, I may want to break that jar some day and find a new one.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As I was raking leaves yesterday, and the sun was shining at its late afternoon angle, I happened to notice the color in the oak leaves still attached to the tree, but on a low hanging limb.  I always thought they were brown, just brown.  But in the sun, they were a palate of shades of brown with some red.

I was a good reminder that I need to slow down,  and look more closely what is around me.  I wonder what else I have missed?
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