Friday, October 21, 2011


I woke this morning thinking.....ahhhh Friday.  Not sure why I get so excited about the end of the week anymore.  The weekend seems to have its list of things to do; clean, laundry, running errands, sometimes giving time to volunteer and sometimes going into work..  On some weekends there is so much that I look forward to going back to work.   Maybe it is just the thought that on  Saturday morning I don't have to get up early and hurry around to get to work on time.  I can just sit and watch the sun rise while enjoying a mocha and sit there awhile longer just thinking about things and finally deciding that maybe I should get motivated to do something.....or maybe not.  Sit and do nothing seems to be a forgotten activity in my life.  Maybe I should try it.......maybe not.  I need to make some cookies this weekend for my aunt and some other ladies in the nursing home, bring in the garden hose before it freezes, trim out some dead plants,......maybe not a weekend to sit and do nothing. .

1 comment:

  1. I'd love a weekend of rest... but I'm with you... no time for that!


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